St Matthew Croydon - Sharing the Love of God


St Matthew Croydon - Sharing the Love of God


St Matthew Croydon - Sharing the Love of God


St Matthew Croydon - Sharing the Love of God


St Matthew Croydon - Sharing the Love of God


Who we are

The Park Hill area of Croydon is a community of over 6,000 people living within walking distance of the town centre.


Park Hill is a popular location for young professionals, families and older citizens alike.

We at St Matthew’s are an inclusive people embracing the joys and challenges of being human with all our differences of race, gender, sexuality and social background.  We are a part of Inclusive Church and fully support the IC Statement.

Our mission is to reach out and share Gods unconditional love for the world with all people of our parish and with the wider community.

As Desmond Tutu once said: “Christ, when he was lifted up did not say ‘I draw some people to myself’. He said ‘I draw all, All, ALL’.

Come just as you are.

Welcome to Worship

Most of our services follow the Church of England Common Worship Liturgy. Occasionally we explore other forms of worship. Please see Announcements for any changes in service times.


Every Sunday at 8.30am we have a said service of Holy Communion.

Every Sunday at 10.00am we have a sung service of Holy Communion.

Our 10am Sunday services are often Live Streamed and can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

On Wednesdays at 10.00am there will be a service of Holy Communion in church.



Music and Singing

Music and singing form a central part of our worship and praise. Music not only enhances our worship but also lifts our spirits to God.

At St Matthew’s we enjoy singing all kinds of musical styles.


We are fortunate in having an excellent pipe organ designed and constructed by Noel Mander in 1972.

Our choir is led by Michael Strange, our Musical Director. We are affiliated to The Royal School of Church Music.

Do get in touch if you are interested in joining the choir. Practices are held in the choir vestry on Thursday evenings from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. We also practice 9.30am Sunday mornings.

Young Church

Our children and young people meet each Sunday morning during the 10.00am service.

There will be an ‘all age service’ on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

There are creche facilities for very young children.


The children and young people go into church with their family and friends at 10.00am and join in with the service until the end of the second hymn. They then leave the church and join a group appropriate to their age.

These groups are led by volunteer leaders, and the children learn about the Bible and Christian life in a fun way.

The groups re-join their families in church in time for Communion and stay to the end of the service.

Our Faith

Our faith is based on the person of Jesus of Nazareth, who we believe is the Christ, God’s only Son. Jesus made some extraordinary claims, which if true, offer everyone the possibility of living our lives in a relationship of love with God our Creator.

We are all on a journey of discovery, as we seek to find out what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ today. In the trials and complexities of our lives, we believe that God is with us, that he knows us and loves us.


At the heart of our faith is the greatest act of self-sacrifice – Jesus’ death on a cross. In this death we can see God’s love for us, as he willingly laid down his life so that we might know forgiveness and peace.

We also believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. If the cross is the greatest sign of God’s love, the resurrection is the greatest sign of God’s power. Death has been defeated and we live this life in the hope of sharing in eternal life. To gather together with our sisters and brothers is a vital part of our Christian journey, as we worship together, learn together, and get to know one another, and our loving God, more and more.

Prayer & Bible Reading

Prayer is as simple as a child talking with her parents, and as profound and mysterious as the deepest silence. Prayer is like breathing. It is essential to the Christian life. When Jesus’ friends asked him to teach them to pray, he gave them these words, which say all that needs to be said:


Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who
sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.


As well as learning to pray, we need to grow in our understanding of God’s ways and purpose. One of the main ways we can achieve this is to read God’s story in the Bible. Although, written as it was in times very different from our own, it contains things that are hard for us to grasp, it also contains the central message of God’s love for the world he has made, which is most especially seen in the story of Jesus, where the New Testament begins.


It is the greatest story ever told, and the most wonderful thing is that you are a part of it!

At St Matthew’s we have Home Groups as well as Lent Groups (which meet just in the few weeks leading up to Easter), where we can learn more about following Jesus.

Please speak to a member of our team to find out more.

Live Streaming

For all new and previous services please see our channel on

Service Sheets

Life Events

We are here to help you mark the most significant moments of your life.


The birth of a child can be celebrated with a Service of Thanksgiving or Baptism (Christening). 

Anyone who lives in the parish can be married at St Matthew’s, or can have a civil marriage blessed. St Matthew’s offers Prayers of Love and Faith for same sex couples. At present these will take place within regular services. For further information please do get in touch with our vicar Rev Ruth

Funerals or Memorial services can help us cope with loss and grief.

For further information, please contact our Parish Administrator, Penny Goswell, on 020 8681 3147 during office hours, Monday to Friday 9.00am to 12noon who will put you in contact with the relevant member of our team.

Hiring Our Space

Apart from our local schools, St Matthew’s is the only place available for the community to use.

We have excellent facilities, fully accessible, a large hall, a smaller space which can accommodate around 20 people, a fully equipped kitchen & an accessible toilet.


To find out about hiring these spaces please contact our Parish Administrator, Penny Goswell, on 020 8681 3147 during office hours, Monday to Friday 9.00am to 12noon.

Find out more


A very big ‘thank you’. Giving by members of our church enables us to share the love of God with the community. The church gets no grant from the state or the local authority. It relies on contributions from people in the community. We are most grateful for all you are able to give to us: in terms of your time, talents and money. 


To donate to the church please click the button below or scan the QR Code.

Bank Details for Donations

If you would like to make a donation towards our Church Roof Appeal please see here

Flags representing the members of our congregation